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The NWB Water Innovation Fund finances innovative projects of water boards that are broadly applicable and contribute to the sustainability of the Netherlands. The Dutch Water Authority Bank (NWB Bank) is the founder of this independent fund.

Which projects qualify?

The NWB Water Innovation Fund focuses on innovative and sustainable projects of water boards. This can include innovations in the areas of climate adaptation, climate mitigation, circular economy, biodiversity, water quality, water safety, and energy transition. Many of these projects face challenges in getting off the ground due to difficulties in obtaining risk-bearing capital. The NWB Water Innovation Fund was established to further support these projects beyond the so-called pilot phase.

Financial information

The NWB Water Innovation Fund provides equity or subordinated capital in the form of a loan. It always involves co-financing: the fund contributes a maximum of 50% of the total required risk-bearing capital, and at least 1/3 of the total required risk-bearing capital is provided by one or more water boards. The maximum financing contribution from the fund is €2 million per application.

How do you apply for financing?

A financing request can be submitted to the fund by sending an email to To process a financing request, a completed application form is required. The form for requesting financing can be downloaded here.

Download application form

The form is completed in full and sent back. After an initial assessment to determine if the request aligns with the fund's objectives, it is then submitted to the Investment Committee, which conducts a substantive review of the application.

Management NWB Waterinnovatiefonds

Stefan Kuks


Watergraaf van waterschap Vechtstromen

Riksta Zwart

Directeur Waterbedrijf Groningen

Pieter Janssen

Secretaris-directeur van het Hoogheemraadschap van Delfland

Investment committee NWB Waterinnovatiefonds

Mark van der Werf


directeur Stichting Toegepast Onderzoek Waterbeheer (STOWA)